
Welcome to the Borealis Norwegian Forest Cats PEDIGREE BROWSER

Here, you can explore the pedigrees of all our cats.   Note: click on the outlined photo icons to see larger pictures.
For a far more extensive pedigree browser, suitable for line-chasing, please visit the NFO-Base at
ShaggyTails Norske Skovkatte, which has a huge database of Norwegian forest cat pedigrees online...

 Rotvaltans Casall
 NFO d 09 22
 Red Classic Tabby and White

 Konsul Dumny Kot
 NFO ns 09
 Black Silver and White

 Fantazija Dumny Kot
 NFO ns 09 22
 Black Silver Classic Tabby and White

 Runestar Beyond the Dark Veil
 NFO n 09
 Black and White

 Skyfall Van Siriusland
 NFO ns 24
 Black Silver Tabby

 Zas Jacobusland
 NFO ns 09 24
 Black Silver Spotted Tabby and White

 Salvora Jacobusland
 NFO f 09 22
 Black Classic Tortie Tabby with White

Fairwind Wild Thing
(web page)
  born: October,11/10/2021 

 Litters: N9,  S9,  

 Av Firvulag Ed Wood
 NFO d 09 23
 Red Mackerel Tabby and White

 Jamlynkatz Galilelo
 NFO n 09 22
 Black Classic Tabby and White

 Jamlynkatz Kjellfrid
 NFO w

 JamlynKatz Skvala
 NFO n 23
 Black Mackerel Tabby

 Av Firvulag Donkey Kong
 NFO n 21
 Black Tabby